Living life in beautiful Eugene, Oregon!

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another KAL

Today, while watching one of the many podcasts I follow, , RainLover Knits announced, or more like reminded us, of a new sock KAL starting up in Aug on the Knitting Like Crazy Fans group on Ravelry; I promptly stopped the podcast, and ran over to join! Well this couldn't have come at a more perfect time as the socks I had started, Vilai, were not coming along so well. I don't know what it is with Cookie A patterns, but I just get to a point that makes no sense at all. And no matter how I try to re-interpret the pattern, it just doesn't knit out correctly. I'm beginning to wonder if it's just me or if it's ALL the patterns of hers that don't knit out right. Oh well, I didn't put out any money on patterns or books by this author. Albeit, I love the patterns, just wish they were written better. So back to the drawing board I go. Now with this new KAL beginning, I thought I'd just use my hand-dyed March Pansies...until I read further in the forum threads and discovered these are going to be a lacy pattern best suited probably with a semi-solid/solid yarn...hmmm. I think I have it figured out. I think I'll use my KP Risata in Clementine, but then again, that yarn is an elastic and may not be suitable for lace. Hahahaha, well here I go again, back to the stash...ok, so I think I have some green, not sure of the name of it as the tag is long lost somewhere, but I do know it's hand wash and sock wool so yeah this is what I am going to use. And as soon as my winder gets here I will be able to wind it into a cake, yay and I even purchased 2 more sets of #1 DPN's, wow, I must have know something was coming up!
~Living magick...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy! I learned about the sock KAL on RainLover Knits too, so I joined. This will be my first KAL! I'm excited, but a little nervous too because I'm a new sock knitter, but my rice krispies told me to join. lol

    I keep hearing about Cookie A, but I haven't checked it out.
