Today I was supposed to be at a luncheon at work. I had to decline a couple of weeks ago due the jury duty thing. But that didn't happen so I missed out on the luncheon. No matter. But the director did same time me today (odd because she doesn't ever do that) and asked me how I am, etc...then asked if I was going to join them for lunch. So once again I had to re-tell the reason and so on and so on. Well as it turns out I was the subject of the luncheon as I have earned a prestigious award...The Pillar of Excellence Award. Wow, that's cool...not sure what I did to earn it, but thank you.
Okay, so onward we go. Today my shoulder has been bothering me. I'm not sure why either. I have been working on stretching my arm all day in hopes to make it feel better, but it simply refuses to cooperate. So, I am going to just care for it and hopefully I can help it feel better; needless to say, I did not go to the gym today. I don't like missing the gym, but truly just did not feel well. I even tried going out for a walk and still just that little nag in my arm/shoulder, well just did me in; and Helen called on top of it all because she needed to vent about her day. She is not happy at work, I feel bad for her. She needs some meditation time and I think that will help her to refocus.
I did give some love to Carmen's scarf, it is coming along beautifully. I am now on wave "b" instructions and so far I am loving this pattern! I know she is going to love it too.
Also, got word from Jamie today, Eric's glass art girlfriend, about a trade for knitted work for glasswork...EXCITED! She is creating a sun-themed bowl for me and I am making socks for her. I love to trade!
Okay, the shoulder is letting me know it needs attention...ttfn!
~Is it really fall...
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