Living life in beautiful Eugene, Oregon!

Be Happy...Be Peace...Be Love

Spread Peace...Speak Love...BE

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You may now address me as Kathrine the Great

Check out the hair on this cutie:
I should have 4 made by today, but I've just not gotten anything done today, so I've got 1 made. So that means tomorrow will be 4 I have to make..I'd better get on it, but for now all I want to do is read. TTFN!
~It's getting dark too early...


  1. Thanks! I've made so many of these, I believe I can knit them in my sleep! I use them as love bugs and put little encouraging notes with them and place them randomly around town. Currently my son is placing them around his building and everyone who finds one is instantly a-gush. It's just too funny, but they do make a person smile...just delivering the love everywhere!
