Ahhh what a beautiful weekend. Well, today it turned out more stunning than yesterday. The day began with fog and the sun finally made an appearance in the latter part of the afternoon. So after my walk and coffee, twice, I decided to pick up a little pumpkin to carve and then I will make a pie. I don't think I'll carve my pumpkin for a few days yet. Today though, I made some bread pudding...yumm! It's cooling now and then I will share with my neighbor, Amir. I don't believe he has ever tasted bread pudding, this should be a fun treat for him then (~:
The leaves are changing quite rapidly now. It also catches me off guard every year. One day I am out there and everything is green and then, it seems as if overnight, the trees are showing off their new Fall colors...brilliant! Did I mention... I love Fall!
I bought another pair of shoes today. I know, I know! It's like yarn though, when I see something I want, I don't wait around, I just get it! And in my defense though, they were 1/2 off and no shipping so I did save a good amt of money, nearly $40! That should be it for the rest of the year...well, unless those cute boots go on further
So this week starts my OT time. I'm actually ready for it. I go back to the gym tomorrow; really looking forward to it too. Hmmm, I think I'll go work on my sweater. I haven't given it much love in the passed couple of days.
~But then again, there's that watch cap I want to make...
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