I have not left the house at all today. I find this a bit surprising myself. However, what I did do is to work on these:
Right now I'm knitting a Mochimochi TV; I love this stuff!
I also went thru my box of FO's today and found some cute stuff I had forgotten about. My grand idea was to make extra hats, scarves, random stuff and fill a basket by the door with them so that whenever anyone came around and needed anything, voila! there you have it, take what you need. I guess I am still looking for a good sized basket; everything is just sitting on the coffee table for now.
So much for picking up the house today (~: and I still don't have my rainbow wind sock hung. A call to the manager tomorrow will remedy that. He's sure to have a step ladder. I don't like bothering people for random things like that on the weekend.
I picked up a copy of Vogueknitting yesterday and found a beautiful vest I want to make and add seed beads to. I guess I already mentioned that yesterday, hahaha
I can't seem to keep up with myself. Okay, well it's nearly 6, I guess I should get some dinner as I haven't eaten all day. Wow how time flies when all you want to do is knit! Now the question is, what do I want to make? And the answer is...???
~Sooner or later...
He is so darn cute!!! Time to put him on my list, so he can sit and be crumpy in my office :-)