Okay, so today I am working on this cutie for Eric. But, I'm thinking it's about time to get another pair of socks on the needles and figure out the next PIF project and throw in a few LoveBugs and my week is set. The LoveBugs are a no-brainer, but the socks, where do I begin? I've actually considered just starting out at the top of the queue and work my way thru and I may still end up doing just that. Now for the PIF project. Hmmm, a hat, a scarf, a...? Even though it is summer, and I'm loving it, I do feel fall in the atmosphere so I'm thinking ahead. It needs to be useful, (or does it?) Yeah, I think useful, definitely. So hat, scarf or mitts. I don't know, I'm feeling a bit side-tracked right now because I am getting excited about getting some socks on the needles! In fact, I'm going to grab a ball of my hand-dyed and find a cool pattern...right now!
~Ah, the long, overdue sock jitters are subsiding...
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